The Importance of Juries
The American legal system cannot operate unless citizens sit on juries, hear the evidence, and reach a decision. It is one of the highest duties that we have as citizens. As personal injury lawyers in Everett, we believe in the jury system.
The jury system began in England as a way to stop the Crown from making arbitrary decisions. The right to a jury is enshrined in the 7th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and in Section 21 of the Washington State Constitution. The Washington State Constitution states:
SECTION 21 TRIAL BY JURY. The right of trial by jury shall remain inviolate, but the legislature may provide for a jury of any number less than twelve in courts not of record, and for a verdict by nine or more jurors in civil cases in any court of record, and for waiving of the jury in civil cases where the consent of the parties interested is given thereto.
When a jury of twelve people gets together, they come up with reasoned decisions. That is why the current attack on the jury system in America is troubling. Large corporations, including insurance companies, have spent millions of dollars, over decades, lobbying Congress and State Legislatures to “reform” the jury system. They have distributed misinformation trying to convince people that juries are bad, and that there are a lot of “runaway,” frivolous jury verdicts. Not only are these positions factually incorrect, but as trial lawyers, we believe that everyone gets a fair hearing from juries.
If you are injured, you have the right to a trial by jury. It is a great equalizer. The jury system means that ordinary people have the same access to justice as corporations or the government. This means cases are decided by people, not by bureaucrats or elected officials.
At Kadish Twersky, we have tried many cases to juries. If you or a loved one have been injured because of the negligence of a person, corporation or government, we can help you get the compensation that you deserve. Please call our personal injury firm in Everett for a free consultation. We have over 75 years of combined experience in accident and injury cases as injury attorneys, and we are here to help you.
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